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Ericameria teretifolia: Location descriptions
Plants seem to concentrate around Pinyon mountain. Some in narrow rocky canyons but larger populations along hill sides.
Pictures of Ericameria teretifolia
They can be identified on the greenish color, but that only works after getting a positive ID first.
That said in November 2017 we had problems getting an ID from a distance, by color, plant size or flower size.
You can get a positive ID by checking the phyllaries for glands, that are pretty obvious. Check multiple flowers.
The map is far from complete. There is a huge colony south of Pinyon Mountain.
More plants
Thanks to Tom Chester for pointing out the locations known in 2016.
Tom Chester Smuggler canyon area's
2017/11/11 Upper Nolina wash
Loop hiked counter clockwise.
Ericameria brachylepis is present in the same area in good numbers, sometimes side by side.
5-10% plants were impossible to ID without the presence of (recent) flowers.
We might have missed 10-30% of the plants growing further out of the canyon. Too dangerous to inspect.