Below a screen shot showing the app, with buttons and text.

1) Press on the picture to toggle between flower and plant.
2) Press on the genus name, to show all plants with the same genus name.
3) Press the Info button shows information about the plant.
4) Press to enlarge the picture shown above.
The following description is only visible after pressing the info button (3). 5) Click on the family name to show all plants in the same family.
6) Only present when there is a plant key.
7) Get an explanation of a botanic term, press on the blue colored text.
8) Press to enlarge the picture.

Scientific) "Green" show scientific name.
Full guide) Show all flowers in the guide. (Not in the iOS lite version)
Compact) Show images half size, making room for more images.
Flower) Show plant or flower. clicking on a picture toggles between flower and plant.
The family view.
Android: 1) Flower -> Family.
iOS: Family button on the home page.

Android only:

1) Flower, select color or family. 2) Search for flower or family. 3) Settings: Activate full guide and font size.
iOS only:
Buttons in the main header:
Back - Home

